So, I have to admit my poor hair has been neglected over the past year or so. It went through the wars of dying/stripping/more dying, so I just left it and grew out all of the (red at the time) dye.
It was all well and good growing out the colour, but the quality, softness and shine had just disappeared, my hair was completely ruined.
The ends of my hair had gotten so bad they literally looked like they had been singed in a fire, so i thought enough was enough, the neglect couldn't go on much longer. I booked a wash, cut, blow-dry and deep treatment at Toni & Guy (it was amazing).
Hi everyone! So as you all know, I have been pretty useless when it's come to blogging recently! So thought why not start them off again with a good ol' tag!
Anyway, lets get back to business! Thank you Kate from beautiboe for the tag on this!
1. Name a beauty regime that you rarely do? I moisturise my face every day without a fail, but I have to say the rest of my body is very neglected when it comes to moisturising. I have very dry legs and arms, but I just never remember to moisturise them, it is pretty bad :(
2. Is washing your make-up brushes something that you do regularly?
I wash my make-up brushes, but probably not as often as I should! I would say I do them once a month, but for me it is just finding the time to wash them and to give them enough time to dry before I need to use them again.
3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
I absolutely hate chipped nail polish! I think I may have OCD when it comes to my nails. If my nail polish chips I have to take it all off and re-apply it as soon as I possibly can! I carry around a Nails Inc Express Nail Polish Remover Pot in my handbag so if my nails chip too bad I can take the whole lot off!
4. How long will you put off buying/replacing a beauty product, even if you need it?
It depends on what it is! The main thing I leave until the very last minute to replace is my eyebrow pencil! I will literally use it until I cannot sharpen it anymore (which is about 3 weeks worth!).
5. What is your worst beauty habit?
I have a very bad habit of picking my split ends! I can sit there for hours picking them without even knowing I am doing it!
6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
Polishing, I am a clean freak (most of the time), but I find it literally impossible to get the polish and a duster out. I have so many little bits and pieces all over my shelves/sides it takes me forever to move them all!
7. When going out somewhere, do you leave getting ready to the last minute?
No, definitely not! I spend at least 1.5 to 2 hours getting ready if I am going out somewhere nice, if it is just for work or to the shops I spend about 30-40mins :-p
8. Can you commit to spending bans?
I really wish I could, each pay day I say exactly the same thing... "No spending this month Laura, save some money and next month you will not regret it"... this never happens!
9. How organized is your make-up and nail polish collections?
My nail polish collection is probably the most organized collection I have! I simply cannot stand my nail polishes lying around and messy.. My make up on the other hand is another story, I have it all scattered in numerous make up bags all over the place and can never find anything when I need it! (except my main make up which is kept in my main make up bag!)
Thank you for reading my post! Please let me know if you have any recommendations for my next one!
Hi all, I can only apologize that it has been far too long since I last posted a blog. There are no excuses but I thought I should at least try ;-)...
Firstly, I have recently moved into my new home with my boyfriend (a few months ago) and in the same week started a new job! So as you can imagine this has been extremely stressful and I have not really had much time to sit back and relax!
Hi everyone, so today's blog is going to be slightly different to usual! Thank you to Kate @ beautiboe for the tag on this! Please click here to view hers, it is very interesting ;).
Lets go!
1.) Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows? Lose all my palettes and eyeshadows, the others are my daily essentials!
2.) Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again? Aahhhh thats a tough one! Probably never be able to cut my hair again? I just would never straighten/curl it again and try and keep it as healthy as possible!
3.) Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek? Pink cheek, I can't quite pull off the coral cheek look :(
4.) If you had £1000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup? Clothes! If I bought £1000 worth of make up I would never use it all so it would seem like a waste!
5.) Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner, or eyeliner as lipstick?
Hhhmmm.. lipstick as eyeliner!
6.) Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora? We do not have Sephora here in the UK so it would have to be MAC, you can't beat it ;)
7.) Would you rather only use one eyeshadow colour or one lip colour for the rest of your life? One eye shadow colour definitely! I love changing my lip colour based on my mood, it completes a look!
8.) Would you rather wear winter clothes in summer or summer clothes in winter? Summer clothes in the winter, I would cheat and just wear lots to make sure I was warm!
9.) Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round? Bright nails, they're my favourite whatever the weather!
10.) Would you rather give up your favourite lip product or your favourite eye product? Favourite lip product, I look so tired when I do not have eye mascara on!
11.) Would you rather only be able to wear your hair in a ponytail or a messy bun? Pony tail!
12.) Would your rather never be able to paint your nails again or never use lipgloss? Never wear lipgloss! I absolutely love nail polish so it would take a lot to give it up.
13.) Would you rather shave your eyebrows and have none at all or sharpie them in everyday? Sharpie them on! Oh my goodness I would look terrible without eyebrows!
14.) Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish? VERY tough one! But it would have to be live without nail polish, I could hide my hands in my pockets so no one would have to see my finger nails! Every one has to see my face!
If anyone else who wishes to take part please do! :)
Be sure to mention I tagged you/you found it on my blog! I am looking forward to seeing your answers!
Thank you for reading my post! Please let me know if you have any recommendations for my next one!
Ralph Lauren Big Pony Woman's Collection - Pink Eau de Toilette
Good Morning everyone! I hope you are all having a lovely weekend.
As you may or may not know I have just got myself a new job in the lovely Milton Keynes, England, which is amazing because it is very close to where my new home is going to be in Bedford, England.
Yesterday, to my surprise my boyfriend Tim gave me this lovely gift to congratulate me on my new job, it was the Ralph Lauren Big Pony Woman's Collection - Pink perfume. I was so surprised and pleased, what a lovely thing for him to do ♥
Hi all, I can only apologize that it has been so long since I last made a post! I am in the middle of going through a house move and got a new job (eeeee so exciting, but also extremely stressful!).
Today's post is going to be on a drink that is back-by-popular-demand - the Mocha Coconut Frappuccino. All I can say about this is WOW!, it was absolutely lovely and is definitely my new favourite from Starbucks.
This frappuccino is very hard to describe. It is extremely refreshing without being too sweet, yet it is very smooth and creamy. The best way to describe it is like a mocha combined with a coconut ice cream!
Happy Saturday every body! I hope you all have lovely plans for the weekend and this bank holiday Monday.
So today I thought I would blog about something slightly different to usual. As you may or may not know I am extremely into health and fitness, and love to eat healthy 99.9% of the time ;-) Not too long ago I came across this Wheyhey protein ice cream, I couldn't wait to try this as I find it very difficult to find desserts that actually taste nice that fit my daily calorie intake.
Wheyhey is an all natural, no sugar, high protein ice cream that only contains natural ingredients, for this reason I was very intrigued to try it, so purchased the Strawberry and Chocolate flavour.
I have to say this is the best healthy dessert I have ever had. Both tasted just like normal ice cream and it definitely felt as though I had just eaten something very bad for me & full of sugar (which is always good ;))
My name is Laura, I am 23years old and live in Bedfordshire, England. I love all things beauty. I wanted to make this blog to share my thoughts on my products, my interests and life! Thanks for visiting ♥